Senin, 01 November 2021


 Do you think social media is good for teenagers?

Nowadays, social media is widely used by people from all age, from kids, teenagers, even elderly people use social media now. Social media itself is a technology that allow the user to share or exchange information, share ideas, and other virtual expression easily by the internet. It is now becoming a platform where teenagers can meet and socialized with people worldwide.

Social media has a lot of positive impact, it helps teens find the right way to express themselves, get more friends even from different country, improving social skills, increasing creativity and self-confidence. Social media also helps teens in finding their true self, sometimes, too many teenagers feels scared to express themselves, but because of social media they are finally have the courage to show their talent via social media like Instagram, youtube, and any other platform.

Despite all the good, social media also has tons of negative impact, such as increasing anxiety, cyberbullying, and it is so easy for teens to imitate bad influence for influencer without filtering it for good. Social media also can cause addiction that make teen end up becoming antisocial and more aloof from the outside environment. In addition, there are also a lot of teenagers that started to comparing theirselves to other people “perfect side” on social media that make them questioning their self-worth and feels like they are not good enough. Also, some mean people usually share negatives comment on others content that usually harm the creator feeling.

At the end, social media has its own negative and positive sides. It offers a lot of advantages for those people who uses it right, that’s why as a teenagers, we have to take the right way on dealing with social media. We have to focus on the benefit of the social media and we have to be wise enough to be able to prevemt ourselves from the negativity of the social media itself.

Jumat, 05 Maret 2021

Tugas Procedure

  1. Dig an area of ​​land with a size of 1x1x1 m (side x side x depth).

  2. Any organic waste that has been collected in a temporary shelter (in the form of a bucket or the like), periodically can be directly inserted into the hole that we have created.

   3. Then, put a little soil to cover the surface of the trash evenly, so as not to attract flies.  4. Continue the process until the hole is full and flat with the surrounding soil surface.

   5. After being left for 3-4 weeks, the trash will be crushed, united with the ground.

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020



Youthful Spanish man called Nico showed up at the air terminal in Germany. As he is investigating, he tunes in to a language seminar on earphones, with welcome in German. At that point Emma comes up and begins conversing with him. Nico is investigating the air terminal and engrossing the sights and sounds. As he leaves the air terminal he meets Emma once more. Furthermore, he abruptly understands that his sack has disappeared. With individuals going back and forth and bidding farewell to one another around him, Nico doesn't have the foggiest idea what he ought to do. At that point Emma and her auntie Lisa return and offer to support him. Lisa and Emma get with Nico why he has come to Germany, and they give him a ride into town. In the vehicle, Emma organizes letter set treats to frame her name and shows Nico how to present himself in German. While they are stranded in rush hour gridlock, Emma and Lisa practice presentations with Nico. At the point when Lisa stops at a corner store to top off, Nico unexpectedly perceives the taxi that drove away with his pack in it. At the service station, Nico stops the taxi which he thinks has his sack inside. Lisa attempts to quiet the irate taxi driver and presents herself and Nico. Then Nico opens the storage compartment and discover nothing. Lisa, Nico and Emma are going to drive on when Lisa runs into her companion Max. Max asks Nico what his identity is and where he's originates from. At the point when it turns out to be evident that Nico doesn't have a clue how to discover his auntie, Max has a thought. Lisa telephones her dad who is in the police power. He says she is to carry Nico to the police headquarters. Perhaps her dad can support Nico. Before setting off to the police headquarters, Lisa and Nico take Emma to a youngsters' birthday celebration. In transit there, Nico draws Emma an image with numbers, and Emma shows Nico how to include to 12 in German. While Lisa is taking Emma to the entryway, Nico holds up in the vehicle, tuning in to the radio. At the point when somebody considers the radio and notices a lost sack, Nico gets Lisa's PDA and dials the quantity of the radio broadcast. Lisa is trading telephone numbers with Lotte's mom when she abruptly hears Nico on the radio. Nico is attempting to disclose his concern to the radio moderator. Lisa hurries to the vehicle and gets the telephone out of his hand. At the police headquarters, Lisa's dad asks Nico where he carries on with, his date of birth and identification number. He needs to support Nico. As Nico actually doesn't have the foggiest idea where to discover his auntie, Lisa returns him to her mutual loft. Nico meets Lisa's flat mates, Sebastian and Nina, who are hanging pixie illuminates in the yard. After they have presented themselves, Lisa asks whether Nico can remain in the common condo for the following barely any days. In the loft, Nico shows Nina and Sebastian the photograph of his auntie Yara. While Nina is getting some R&R for everybody, they all attempt to turn out to be the means by which Nico can discover his auntie. Sebastian goes to get Nawin and acquaints him with Nico. Since everybody is eager, they choose to arrange pizza. The pizza conveyance lady has shown up. Lisa takes care of the tab and Sebastian hands the pizzas around. At the point when the flat mates are plunking down to eat, Nico discovers why there will be a gathering in the loft that night. Nico's first morning in the mutual condo: Nico comes into the kitchen half sleeping and is astonished to see Lisa hustling around in a frenzy. Nina clarifies what's up. Nico gets the chance to gain proficiency with the words for a few items. The exercise is finished. Nico checks out the study hall while Lisa is on the telephone to somebody who has applied for Nawin's room. The following candidate shows up. It rapidly turns out to be evident that she has extremely specific thoughts regarding life in a common condo. It's additionally clear that Lisa has an issue. At that point they leave to start the chase for Yara's shop. Lisa and Nico stroll through the city searching for the location that somebody Sebastian knows posted under the photograph of Yara's shop. In any case, when they arrive at their objective they get a frightful astonishment. In this film Nico experience numerous things about Deutsch, From the language, culture, and obviously the food include. Nico make the watcher's position such as himself, completely lost in the outside nation in a real sense don't know what he going to do, he lost his pack, he lost his visa, he lost his auntie address, he can't speak Deutsch easily. How Nico endures? Since I love this learning arrangement so much, I don't wanna ruin it to an extreme. I won't let you know in this blog please mercifully watch to help and learn it without anyone else click this connection 

I got a stun when my Liebling Frau gave me and my colleagues this film connect. You can get it right? That is correct, due to the film's length, it takes over 60 minutes. Typically I simply got three to ten minutes term for learning video. Goodness, and I understand this is one of the film arrangement about Deutsch that have been bundled in a great manner that is to watch by learning. This film has A1 material. Was ist das? This is the thing that I can get from the film. From that part the film thought me to realize how to welcome others, (e.g Hallo!) to ask individuals how they're doing, to state how you feel. Furthermore, I know the fundamental word in Deutsch (e.g Kein Problem) Learning various approaches to bid farewell. (e.g Tschüss!) Also become familiar with the German letters in order, how to spell words in German and to request extra data and to request that individuals rehash what they said. That "Ich haiße" is the best approach to state what your name. Additionally I figure out how to ask others what their names are. There is word that recurrent commonly , that is "Das ist", and it tends to be route how to present others. At long last I can perceive how the genuine application in discovering others individual pronouns, for example, Er, Sie, Du, and so on Like when we were kindergarten we figure out how to include in Deutsch is zahlen von 1 bis 100, to check over 100 and obviously "wichtige numern"that have a capacity to state how old you are by one way or another in this film Nico furnish telephone numbers with that. At the point when Nico in the police headquarters Nico learn and me obviously learn separate among formal and casual strategies for address additionally in smooth manner Nico express how to give more definite individual data. At the point when they show up in the common appartement there is circumstances when Offering drink ( Was trinkst du?), and I see that the a few Germans drinks in any event, when the sunlight, oopsie. At the point when they need to arrange food from a conveyance administration, each individual got one pizza for their self, dissimilar to us that adoration to share things together. Part that I love is Thareq café, so true and obviously there is an exercise how to arrange food in an eatery, how to peruse out wholes of cash, how to cover a tab in a bistro or café, to ask how much something costs. At the point when the visitors come here My preferred exercise is "Possessive Pronomen" is to state what has a place with you (or what doesn't), to state what has a place with whom. I become familiar with a few inquiries in Deutsch like Wie spät ist es?, Hast du morgen Zeit?, Wann spielen wir?, and Zu spät?! as well. In this film discussing proffesions e.g Ich container Lehrerin like Lisa. I love the part when Max shows Nico Yara's bicycle shop. At the point when Inge goes along with them to get Nico and go out to shop, Max approaches them to get something for him. Thus Nico composes his first shopping list in German. As you can envision from that scene I can see the Deutschland condition how's the structure like, and I can think about the food, minimarket, in Deutschland to Indonesia. Kick the bucket Deutsche Kultur very much created in this film. I love to realize that in Deutschland it's a typical thing to have a common loft with your best even an outsider. I understand that Germans exceptionally kind, helping, additionally inviting to outsiders. Gracious, I recall from the film that Germans lean toward coke or soda than mineral water and obviously their mineral water is prepared to drink from the tap. Goodness truly, when Lisa is all set that give me Germans are extremely dependable. They additionally have a goodbye party's. What I love the most is the point at which the food come out, I simply need to taste it without fail. At the point when I watch the film there are numerous scenes that show German beverage lager frequently, and it's upheld by the way that Beer in Germany is a foundation. You can without much of a stretch consider it the public beverage. There are in excess of 5,000 sorts of lager and 1,200 distilleries in Germany and keeping in mind that each city has one, Munich is breaking all records. OK we should proceed with the audit, Big regard for the entertainers. They are indicating feeling and earnestness like on the off chance that anyone would matter about their exhibition in this garbage story. The parody part is the point at which they are largely similar to a book, and furthermore how the each german knows english however simply need Nico to endure. Yet, it goes rapidly feom overly basic sentences to more intricate ones and I imagine that is great. It deals with the students like they're astute, it assists individuals with being more confident.I appreciate it definitely. However, at times it simply doesn't appear to be practical Nico here resemble " I don't have a clue what entryway in Deutsch is nevertheless I realize that a few action words are reflexive" lol. Furthermore, Nico looked excessively quiet for somebody who lost his baggage. 

Nicos Weg (Nico's Way) is an intelligent video course from Deutsche Welle (German Wave), a German global telecom organization. Nicos Weg is really contained three courses. The video exercises themselves follow an anecdotal character named Nico as he shows up in Germany from Spain and attempts to learn German w

Selasa, 29 September 2020

my hope for the future

 my hope for the future

I have aspirations in the future to become a servant of the country or become a football athlete, I have wanted those goals from my elementary school to now I still want to be able to achieve my goals.  I have done several ways so that I can achieve my goals, one of which is in the field of football. I have been in the second grade of elementary school at a football school in Bandung and I have often won various trophies and championships.  Some of the championships that make me proud are winning the governor's cup in jabar, winning the lion cup in Singapore and winning the Menpora jabar trophy, which is a shame when I went to the national level, I was only in the top 8.  Meanwhile, to achieve my dream of becoming a national servant I have followed a physical training program in a place that provides a coach and place to train, I have started following it since I entered grade 11 high school.  With my dreams, I hope I can achieve them and also with my vision I can make my parents happy, especially my mother, who has always supported me all this time.

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020

Suggestions and offering

a:Gmorning, brother?

b : Morning, what’s up bro?

a : Fine, how about you ?

b : Ok, fine to thank you.

a : What are you doing?

b : I was clean the blackboard.

a : Can I clean the blackboard for you?

b : Thank you, I appreciate your help

a : Yes, it a pleasure.

b : How about going to the canteen after clean the blackboard?

a : Ok, it is a good idea. see you then

b : see you then.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020

Afardhan Putra F (1)
Faris Muhammad D H (17) 

The September 30 Movement of the PKI (G30SPKI), the Thirty September Movement (GESTAPU) and the One October Movement (GESTOK) This is the same term for an event that occurred on September 30th to October 1st 1965 when seven high-ranking Indonesian military officers and several others were killed in a coup attempt by the PKI.
The September 30 movement aimed to overthrow President Sukarno and turn the Republic of Indonesia into a communist state. This incident was led by Dipa Nusantara Aidit who was the chairman of the PKI at that time. At that time DN Aiddit invited the people to support the PKI so that Indonesia would progress.

Letnan Colonel Untung Syamsuri, who was the Commander of Battalion 1 Cakrabiarawa, instructed that this movement be launched in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. This movement targeted the General Councils and High Officers.
Beginning in the afternoon, on September 30th 1965, a group of army conspirators who named themselves "Gerakan 30 September" gathered in Jakarta aimed to kidnapping and killing seven military generals at dawn on October 1st 1965. By dawn on October 1, six generals had died and were left one, he is Abdul Nasution who had run away. Those who were abducted were killed and tortured in Lubang Buaya Village south of Halim Perdana Kusuma Air Base. Later that morning the movement announced that they had took power to prevent a coup against the president by the general council. Meanwhile, General Suharto began to gather control of power into his own hands and finally took his own initiative.
Here are the names that died when this movement occurred:

1.  MayorJendral Raden Soeprapto
2.  Mayor Jendral Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono
3.  Mayor Jendral Siswondo Parman
4.  Brigadir Jendral Donald Isaac Panjaitan
5.  Brigadir Jendral Sutoyo Siswodiharjo
6.  BrigadirPolisi Ketua Karel Satsuit Tubun
7.  Kolonel atamso Darmokusumo
8.  Letnan Kolonel Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto
9.  KaptenLettu Pierre Andreas Tendean
10. Ade Irma Suryani Nasution
11. Letnan Jendral Anumerta Ahmad Yani

From the G30SPKI incident, the people demanded that President Soekarno disband the PKI because it had caused chaos. Even though PKI was the biggest force supporting Soekarno's "Ganyang Malaysia" movement. Soekarno then ordered Major General Soeharto to purge government elements from the influence of the PKI.

After the movement, 30 September is celebrated as the Commemoration Day of the 30 September Movement and 1 October, designated as the Pancasila Sanctity. During the mass of President Suharto's government, ceremonies were usually held at the Pancasila Sakti monument and the screening of the G30SPKI film to commemorate this event.

Latar Belakang G30SPKI. (n.d.). Retrieved 3 10, 2020, from
Lubis, O. (2018, 9 30). Yuk Simak Sejarah Singkat G30S/PKI. Retrieved 3 10, 2020, from
September 30th Movement. (n.d.). Retrieved 3 10, 2020, from Encyclopedia Britannica:

Senin, 17 Februari 2020


In ancient times, in a remote village in Central Java there was a poor widow.  He has a son who looks like a pot to cook rice.  In Central Java, the pot for cooking rice is called kendil.  Because the boy resembles a kendil, he is known as Joko Kendil.

 Even though her child is like sagging, but the mother does not feel ashamed or regret, even on the contrary she loves him sincerely.

 When he was little, Joko Kendil was like a kid his age.  He was so funny that his friends liked him.  One day there was a wedding party near his village.  Secretly Joko Kendil sneaked into the kitchen.

 "Ouch, there is a very good jug. It is better for a cake and fruit tray," said a mother as she put a variety of cakes and fruit in the jug.  He did not know that the kendil was actually human.  After fully charged, Joko Kendil slowly rolled out.

 "Magic Kendil! Magic Kendil! The people who saw the incident shouted. They fought over the magic kendil. Joko Kendil was even faster to roll back home.

 Upon arrival at home, Joko Kendil I Direct met his mother.  "Where did you get this much cake and fruit?"  asked her mother in amazement.  Joko Kendil honestly shared what he experienced.  All of that was not stolen but given by mothers in the kitchen of a wedding party.  According to them the beautiful kendil was more appropriate for storing cakes and fruits than used for cooking rice.


 Do you think social media is good for teenagers? Nowadays, social media is widely used by people from all age, from kids, teenagers, even e...